Monday, August 11, 2008

The long and winding road

So it's shaping up to be a nightmare end to this period of my life. I suppose that's appropriate after all the disappointments and failures that I have had here.

The car's not selling - no idea why - it's a great car. There's no way I would give it up if I didn't have to. The piano's not selling - again - a beautiful instrument... The city has put a code violation against my house, so I'm having to shell out a crap load of money to do repairs right when I can't afford it. Work continues to be emotionally difficult... At least that is coming to an end very soon.

I know it's all worth it. After all, we made this decision together and I am proud of how we handled it. It would have been very easy to try to screw the system and stay here at all costs, but we are allowing life to have his way... I think that's ultimately more important.

Last night was my last bible study thank G-d... Now to reimagine everything.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Can I go home yet?

10:32 am... only another 9 hours 28 minutes till I can go home. Well I finally own my car - paid off the loan this morning. Now it's time to sell it. It's insane to be moving country in two weeks and to be working a regular job. The plan is to work right up to the day before I leave. That will enable me to take three weeks off before the wedding and 13 days after... Hopefully to be able to dive right back in! If this all goes smoothly it will be a miracle!

Well I just posted an ad on Let's see what that reels in... I already posted it on Craigslist and got a call yesterday from a woman who says that she can sell her Toyota Prius for more than she bought it for!!! So she's down-grading to a Civic... Wierd times.

I am full of adrenaline. It's hard for me to concentrate. Hope you are all doing well.