So the movie was kind of cool if you followed the cartoon. However, this is where the cool stopped. The robots were not particularly well matched to their cartoon designs. The human on human violence,
never mind robot on human violence was enough to make me cry within the first five minutes of the movie. With US military and Iraqi locals dying by the hundreds every day, I fail to see how anyone can sit back and enjoy this movie without making the connection to the horror of what is really happening.
As if that were not enough, the entire movie turns out to be one long parade of military heroism, camaraderie and military-industrial propaganda. The 17 year old boy inside me was ready to jump into the nearest
Blackhawk and mow down some evil Arabs at the merest suggestion. This was a bit offset by the disgusting "hot/thin white chick with perfect teeth who knows cars" who was supposed to be the prize for our
gallant hero.
I read on the web that this movie was somehow anti-Bush because of its "Ding dong" reference. However, I'm not sure that you could produce a more pro-Bush movie if you tried. Yeah the president is a jerk, but he's also the head of a kick-ass military machine striving for the good of all mankind - principally by breaching all known bounds of international jurisdiction....
If you decide to accept the military propaganda angle, it still leaves the somewhat disturbing aspects of destruction of property, all kinds of vehicle-lust and a complete disregard for tragedy in general.
This movie sucks and will further debilitate America's ability to be taken seriously by the rest of the world.
Wanted to be video-game-sleek and shiny as a new Lexus, but was as clunky as anything rolling off today's GM assembly line. Misogynistic, racist, and unabashedly infatuated with its own
strategies of product placement to boot. The most heroic characters in the film: the Murdoch-Accent Hacker Barbie and that vaguely Dixie-ish Sec. Of Defense played by John Voight? Please.
Still, what amazing composite work on the special effects. Kind of a cheap out that Megatron did not actually transform into anything recognizable.
Give me the real ultra-violence of THE WARRIORS any day.