And there's this. How do I stop feeling sad, failure, sorry for everything that happened with A?

Green and a little wet behind the ears
Are you lonely this Christmas? If so - ha ha i'm not. Yes indeed. Bah humbug is hard to say with your mouth fully engaged elsewhere. So going home Saturday for two weeks. But there's a small chance I may get stuck in the airport and miss the family Christmas. It would probably save me 5 or 10 pounds, but mumsie would be oh so upset. I can't do that to her even if I would rather sleep in the airport....
Just dinner tonight with the cohorts - quick round of Christmas shopping needed before that. Remember to take my Black Bush out of the trunk and into the house.
Did I tell you that I met this rather wonderful woman? Oh yeah... I did. So I suppose I should track down a nice nice Christmas present for her. Women of the world unite in advising me about this... thanks to holymanontoast for her advice already. I went by Mr. Avery's last night and found a likely suspect. We shall see.