It's a rather amazing thing to have someone excited to see you. What is that feeling? Adoration? The sense that in someone's eyes your worth exceeds whatever you may bring to the table. Those of great physical beauty are often objects of my affection. You could say that I am picky. Or, you could say that my experience of love has been shallow and lacking. I say this:
Those who penetrate the veil
Discover a serenity
Whose pristine condition
Is protected by the thickness of its walls.
Awww...are you smitten?? And why can't the lady in the picture at least be wearing a bra...come on!! the dude is all uniformed out! Oh, I left you a suggestion via comment section on my page regarding your tootsies.
what is this smitten thing anyway. people have brought it up before. i think the girl is just fine.
Well, smitten is kind of like being "twitterpated". Swept off your feet if you will. However, I actually looked up the definition of Smitten and it comes from smite..and that's just not a good thing.
Soooooooooooo, is it the girl you were talking to on the stairwell yesterday??? Yippee!
Slowly does it... trying not to screw up another woman's life...
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