Thursday, January 25, 2007

Ugly mess

so if you visit my blog, please leave a comment. I like to know that people are reading and it helps me stay in touch with friends.

I feel pulled in a million directions right now. I wish life was a bit more simple sometimes. Even though I enjoy the complexity. I think one of the things that makes programming fun for me is that I spend my time sorting and straightening out twisted lines of logic. When I have done a good job, everything is left in good order, tidy and accessible. When I have done a bad job, things are so jumbled that the application starts to show unpredictable signs of instability. Basically the logic becomes disorganized and consequences start to build upon each other in unpredictable ways.

One of the holy grails of programming has been the concept of black boxes. This enables us to put a bunch of logic in a black box, and then use it as a chunk without having to worry about the details. Think of a kitchen appliance. You don't have to know how the electronics inside work, you just turn the kettle on and the water heats up, then it turns itself off and you pour the water out.

That's what I spend my day trying to do. Making a "kettle" that you don't have to wiggle the power cord and tape the lid down with duct tape and you don't have to hold it upside down to get the hot water out.

Click to use Google to search public code for:

Editing links on your blog

Find the template in your blog settings:

Then scroll dooooown till you find the links section:

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Blogging, RSS, Google

OK - here's an interesting blogging wrinkle for those of you interested. The following is a screenshot of my personalized Google homepage with the Google Reader control showing a list of blog items from various friends.

The following are four steps (roughly) to accomplish this. It assumes that you have a personalized google homepage. Let me know if you want more help with this.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Suicide bunny

So for Christmas my awesome sister and brother in law bought me the bunny suicides books 1 and 2. > On Amazon < I am so touched that they know me well enough to buy them for me.

So snow falls in Dallas for a day or two. Something new for everyone to freak out about then I suppose. I havn't looked but I'm sure the news channels will have an all day extravaganza on snow - it's atomic chemistry, political bias and sociological impact.... bah humbug.

So throughout the world I feel a little lost as to where my home is. I realize that the choice is mine to make, however.... senses of home drift like clouds in the sky. Of course I feel at home with my darling bunny but... she drifts also.

Well... off to programing heaven or hell for me today. We shall see what the day brings. Muse - Origin of Symmetry...

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Returning home (to Dallas) I have been kicked in the ass by a monstrous panic attack. Combination of anxiety about seeing my darling again, horrible work, and terrible house responsibilities. SJ has been so patient, kind and secure in the face of it. I am thoroughly impressed with this woman.

Last night she told a very funny story about sparring with guys and always being surprised when she was overwhelmed. If you know what SJ looks like you would understand how funny this is. She's possibly shorter even that Tia which is saying something. "I always seem to think - 'maybe this time I'll win'" : >

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Sin-like friend test

OK - here's my test thingy so I can be cool like Sin.

Take the test


Friday, January 05, 2007

Homeward bound

Is that sniff because of that massive cold I have, or because of the pain of leaving behind relatives young and old, or because of the joy of returning to my honey pot...? Yes. Nightmare flight tomorrow. Should be ok once I make the connection in Gatwick. Can't wait to see SJ again.

I look forward with excitement and trepidation. Will my hopes be dashed?

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Hello island hoppers

I have aligned myself with the Belfast bed tonight. Once more I have flown from Island to island and tomorrow I shall ship out again up north to see Grandparents Sam and Flo. How awesome. How tiring. It is a great experience. I think Sarah-Jane is awesome. My sister is awesome too, but in a different way.

Milport on the Island of Cumbrae

"The Wedge" is the narrowest house in Millport. Yup - that little cream part....

Bringing in the New Year in Scotland

The Scottish mainland